The future of coaching is looking bright! If you have ever thought about adding a coaching certification to your skill set, then the future is here! The end of the
The time to prepare yourself for a career in recovery is right now! There is such quick and momentous movement on the issue of substance use disorder, treatment and recovery
Working on mindset shifts is an integral part of the coaching toolkit. It is necessary in order to reach all goals.
People will give you clues about their current mindset with
The question: What is the solution to put an end to the drug crisis? We have a feeling if more people decided to become a professional recovery coach, we could
Values are much more than words or objects we pick up along the way. Rather, values are chosen life directions. They are intentional qualities that join together a string of
To shift out of the stigma that addiction carries for individuals seeking help it’s really necessary for us to begin to use new language. Words matter and terms such as