Earn 2 Coaching Credentials when you Complete this Professional Coaching Program PLUS In-depth Training on Recovery Coach Competencies, the Neuroscience behind Joyful Recovery and resetting Family Patterns. Live Coaching Practice sessions under the guidance of a Master Coach included.
Self-Paced Online Program
Professional Recovery Coaching provides the Positive Answer to 1) Preventing the Losses of Substance Use Disorders ahead of time, and 2) Enhancing the Experience of Recovery for people on their journey to wellness. Professional Recovery Coaches help people reconnect to their own inner capacity, resilience and sense of wellbeing.
You can get started today and build a foundational base of knowledge to hone your skills as a Professional Coach Specializing in Addiction Recovery.
Enroll in our blended learning program of:
Self-Paced Study - gain access to engaging and easy to follow Videos, Study Guides, Self-Discovery Worksheets to use with clients, and Certificates of Completion for each course.
Live Online Practice – practice and improve your coaching skills with other coaching students under the guidance of of a master coach.
Upon successful completion of all requirements you will earn 2 important credentials:
- Certified Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC)
- Certified Professional Coach (CPC)

Self-paced Online 12.5 Hour Program
We are committed to growing the SHE RECOVERS Foundation (SRF) community so that more women in or seeking recovery from addiction and mental health issues can find hope, healing and connection in their lives. Our growth strategy is to collaborate with IAPRC to train women and non-binary individuals who identify with women’s communities as professional recovery coaches.
The 12.5 Hour SHE RECOVERS Coach Designation (SRCD) invites newly trained IAPRC coaches to learn and adopt the SHE RECOVERS philosophy in a way that will be meaningful for them in their lives and in their coaching practice, while adhering closely to the SHE RECOVERS Intentions and Guiding Principles. As soon as you register for coach training with IAPRC as a SRCD, you will be invited to join the SHE RECOVERS Certified Professionals Collective where you will be encouraged and supported by a global community of individuals who are already attracted to the SHE RECOVERS movement and approach to recovery.
In the SHE RECOVERS Coach Designation module you will learn about:
- Operating within a recovery-oriented system of care
- The spectrum of substance use
- The impact of early intervention
- Individualized pathways and patchworks
- Recognizing the benefits and limitations of current recovery modalities
- The concept of wholeness in recovery
- Worthiness and personal agency
- Ableism and healthism in recovery
- Embodied movement
- Somatic approaches to healing
- The impacts of systematic trauma and collective healing
- Types of trauma and associated manifestations
- The principles of providing trauma-informed care
- Strengths based approaches to recovery
- Reparenting ourselves
- Healing from burnout and moral injury
- The impact of biases, microaggressions, and racial trauma in recovery
- How to be an empathic witness
- Identities in women’s recovery spaces
- Supporting non-binary folks and trans women
- Decolonizing recovery
- Body and food neutrality
- Navigating conflict
- Holding healing spaces for ourselves
- Recovering out loud
- Self-disclosure as a professional in recovery
- Creating deeper connections with our clients
- The value and impact of mentorship and collective care
- Have a lifelong membership in the (free) SHE RECOVERS Certified Professionals Collective & Support Group as you put your training into practice
- Receive ongoing mentorship through additional trainings
- Be included in SHE RECOVERS communications for the Professionals’ Collective
- Be listed on the searchable SHE RECOVERS Foundation Professionals Directory
- Position yourself as trauma-informed recovery leader by sharing your SHE RECOVERS Coach badge across your social platforms
- Become a SHE RECOVERS Volunteer Facilitator – gain exclusive access to additional trauma-informed volunteer space-holder training and host SHE RECOVERS Together Online Gatherings and in-person Sharing Circles
- Contribute to a weekly resources post in our SHE RECOVERS Together Online support group (with over 12,000 active members) where you can share your services and/or resources
- Receive access to SHE RECOVERS Foundation branded and co-branded marketing materials conveying the unique value of the SRCD
- Have the opportunity to collaborate with other SHE RECOVERS Certified Professionals (such as SHE RECOVERS Professional Designates, Trauma-Informed Yoga Teachers, and Dance Facilitators)
SHE RECOVERS Coaches are given access to a dedicated recovery community, the chance to position themselves as leaders in the recovery realm, and the opportunity to play an integral role in this monumental women’s grassroots recovery movement.
“Professional Recovery Coaching is based on results. It empowers people to start their sober life on solid footing. It energizes people in long term recovery from addiction or codependency to discover new levels of satisfaction and purpose in life.”
Coaches, counselors, teachers, other helping professionals and even family members will learn the dynamics of a Strengths-Based system for changing addictive behavior including concepts such as Recovery Capital and Whole Life Recovery.
In the Certified Professional Recovery Coach Dual Program (CPRC Dual), you will learn:
- How to organize, launch, and grow a successful Addiction Recovery coaching practice and a Life Coaching practice
- Why people become addicted
- Leading-edge Brain Research on Averting Relapse
- Powerful Approaches for the Coaching Connection
- Strengths-Based and Solution Focused Recovery Tools
- To lead clients in Guided Self-Change using Motivational Interviewing techniques
- The Personal, Professional and Community Competencies needed by Professional Recovery Coaches
- Required documentation and current laws that affect Professional Recovery Coaching
- The latest protocols and concepts in Drug, Alcohol and Addiction Recovery
Certified Professional Recovery Coach Dual Training Program (CPRC Dual) includes 7 Modules.
Your 1st credential program: Certified Professional Coach Training (CPC):
Discover why ALL Coaching is LIFE COACHING! In our Certified Professional Coach Program (CPC) you will complete our Life Coaching Essentials training. You will gain the skills and tools of a Professional Life Coach plus learn best practices for launching your own coaching business. You will learn proven protocols presented in the context of professional competencies established by the International Coach Federation (ICF). As a Certified Professional Coach (CPC), you will be prepared to serve many types of clients besides those seeking Recovery Coaching. READ MORE
Your 2nd credential program: Certified Professional Recovery Coach Training (CPRC) includes the following 6 Modules:

Neuroscience of Joyful Recovery
Learn the effects of addiction on the brain and discover the foundational role that joy plays in recovery and how lasting, joyful connections are vital to the recovery process. READ MORE

Mini-Video Courses
Roots of Addiction: Learn how people use psychoactive drugs and behaviors to change their mood and to alter their state of consciousness. Learn about the brain’s chemical processes and ways to overcome craving. READ MORE
Alcohol Effects: Learn about the physiology of Absorption, Distribution, and Metabolism of Alcohol and the concept of Blood Alcohol Level. Understand the role of tolerance and withdrawal in the development of alcoholism. READ MORE

Professional Recovery Competencies
Learn the role of the Professional Recovery Coach along with the desired skills, traits and competencies needed for success in the coaching relationship. Also learn tools for eliciting client motivation and helping clients to correct discrepancies in their thinking and beliefs. These modules also cover special issues in working with families as well as ethical issues that are commonly addressed in Professional Recovery Coaching. READ MORE

PRC Live Skills Practice Sessions (Online 20 Weeks - Conducted in English)
Based on Professional Recovery Coach Competencies, you will practice your new Coaching skills in a dynamic interactive online platform under the direction of a Master Professional Recovery Coach. You will develop your Coaching Confidence in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere as you and your fellow students put your knowledge, tools and templates into practice. READ MORE

Family Issues in Recovery
You will have many ah-ha moments with tools and templates to help clients resolve limiting beliefs and recurring behavior patterns. Gain Insight into families shaped by alcohol and drug use, trauma, codependency and dynamics that give rise to adult children of alcoholics (ACOA). This module includes practical ways to help clients to reset family patterns, reframe current challenges and deepen self-worth. READ MORE
*IAPRC is a Membership and Credentialing organization. Once earned, our CPC and CPRC credentials have ongoing membership and credential renewal requirements.

- All Training Manuals as downloads
- Coaching Tools and Self Discovery Worksheets
- Course Study Guides
- Coaching Tools on Templates You Can Customize with Your Brand
- Introductory Membership in iCoachRecovery Community for 18 months*
- Member Access to Coaching and Recovery Experts in monthly forums
- 13 weeks of Live Skills Practice Sessions
- 100+ CEUs/ Continuing Education Units IAPRC and NAADAC
- 60 ICF CCEs/ Continuing Coach Education Available
- 12.5 hour SHE RECOVERS Coach Designation
*Continued access to our member site, course content and other benefits requires ongoing Professional Membership. Professional Membership is also required for bi-annual credential renewal. This Membership will engage automatically after the Introductory Membership period for $16.95 per month.

Full Money Back Guarantee: 5 days from date of purchase. The Certified Professional Recovery Coach Dual Program (CPRC-Dual) is nontransferable and non-cancellable after 5 days.