Only current and active members of IAPRC’s iCoachRecovery Membership Association may use the approved IAPRC, CPC and CPRC program logos on materials or websites for the purpose of promoting the Approved training program or course.
Conditions of Use:
This agreement is entered into by the International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches (IAPRC) and Graduates of the Certified Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC) or Certified Professional Coach (CPC) programs that are current and Active members of the iCoachRecovery membership association. By using or displaying approved IAPRC, CPC or CPRC logos, you agree to adhere to the following conditions:
The approved IAPRC, CPC or CPRC name, designation, acronym, logo and/or mark may only be used by IAPRC Program Graduates that are Active Members of the iCoachRecovery membership association. Members must remain active, and be in good standing with IAPRC, strictly adhering to and maintaining IAPRC / iCoachRecovery Program / Membership standards and requirements. No IAPRC iCoachRecovery Member may use, sell, license, transfer or otherwise authorize any third party to use the approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC designation, logo or mark without prior written authorization of the IAPRC Executive Director.
The IAPRC, CPC / CPRC designation and logo shall be used only in connection with the approved program and shall not be used in conjunction with any other programs within the organization. The IAPRC, CPC / CPRC designation and logos must be used in such a way that they indicate authorization to use only the Approved program, and not the organization as a whole. For example, on a website, the designation and logos may be used only where the Approved CPC / CPRC program is described, not where the organization as a whole is described. The approved IAPRC organization logo shall be used only by the iCoachRecovery member.
The approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC logos and/or marks may not be revised, altered, or amended in any manner by the iCoachRecovery member or any third party. This prohibition against alternation or misuse includes, but is not limited to, cropping of the name, logo or mark; bleeding off a page; screening behind text; and tilting or skewing of the marks/logos in any way. In every case the names, acronyms, designations, marks and logos must be printed in full strength, with no screens or “watermark” effects. Logos and marks shall at all times be used intact, with no alteration, substitution, isolation or highlighting of any particular feature.
The approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC designation shall at all times be displayed against a neutral background only so that it does not conflict graphically or interfere with readability or recognition of the designation, logo or mark. Nor shall the name, acronym, designation, logo or mark be displayed on patterned backgrounds incorporating dots, wavy lines, or other designs, etc.
The approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC name, acronym, designation, logo and mark incorporate specific coded colors within the Pantone Matching System. The IAPRC’s selected and designated color scheme is mandatory and shall not be altered or substituted in any way. No other colors may be used, substituted or incorporated into the logo or mark.
Use of the approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC name, designation, acronym, logo and mark is exclusively limited to professional use on materials for or promoting the IAPRC, CPC / CPRC program including:
- Certificates of completion (for graduates of the Approved program only)
- Promotional and marketing literature, brochures, pamphlets or folders
- Advertisements of any type or nature
- Program websites
- Videos or DVDs
- Software
- Print, digital or photographic media
Use in connection with any other form of publication or documentation shall be permitted only upon written authorization and approval of the Executive Director of IAPRC.
Any unauthorized or unapproved use or alteration of the approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC name, acronym, designation, logo, or mark shall result in an immediate termination and loss of the training program’s IAPRC designation, certification, and/or iCoachRecovery Membership.
Any IAPRC iCoachRecovery Member which loses or has its IAPRC iCoachRecovery status suspended for any reason, including, but not limited to, failure to adhere to these standards, shall immediately discontinue any and all use of the approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC Program name, acronym, logo/mark, and shall not renew use of the same until its status has been restored in full. Any questions you may have regarding logo use can be directed to IAPRC by email at info@recoverycoachtraining.com or by phone at 800-485-5802 or 407-446-3740.
The approved IAPRC, CPC / CPRC logo is available in formats for print and web. You may need to resize the logo, depending on where you will be including the image, using software of your choice. The logo can be resized using various software programs, including free programs available on the Internet.
An IAPRC staff member will forward information on how to access the approved IAPRC or program logos (CPC / CPRC) following the submission of the form.